Geordie Sean is our 2-year old male. He has a a fabulous coat that requires little-to-no grooming and when he does need a little touch-up, he has only ever been hand-stripped.
He is a great family dog as well as dedicated protector of the yard! You would be hard pressed to find a more people-oriented, attentive dog. He's a quick study and goes from happy-go-lucky pet to an all-business terrier when needed.
He is approximately 23 inches at the shoulder and weighs around 60 pounds.
Vera is 2 1/2 years old and this is her first litter! She has been an excellent mother and we look forward to breeding her again in the future!
She is a wonderful house dog and companion to the entire family and loves nothing more than riding in the car and being with her family. She has a classic smooth coat, or "redline" if you prefer, and her pedigree is full of breeder "greats" such as Sandhill, Mogollon, and more.
Vera Ann is approximately 22 inches at the shoulder and weighs 50 pounds.
Keanu (7 weeks old)
Lawrence (9 weeks old)
Timmy (7 weeks old)
Badger (9 weeks old)
Cherry (7 weeks old)
Bear (7 weeks old)
Smidgen (7 weeks old)